Tuesday 21 February 2017

Genesis Chapter 3-NAKED AND HIDDING

I started off not even knowing the wrong of my foundations..i just knew there was something wrong with the way my life had been from the start to my adult years but could not pin it on anything familiar-until I came to know Christ and started delving in this bible. What I discovered was heart breaking.

And as i get to chapter 3 of my genesis, I realise I have been naked and refusing to acknowledge the voice of God calling- "Rose where are you?"

  Gen 3 v 9,10
 But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?”
10 He answered, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.”

I have been hiding and refusing to see that it is only in the free and saving power of the Lord Jesus will I be free from all curses pronounced and given a fresh start. And like Adam when asked where he was  and answering that he is hiding from God...I was refusing to acknowledge the sin in my life, the sin of the many generations before me, the sin of my father's and my mother's house!.

Here I was, God wanting me to deal with my sins and those of my previous generations. But me? I was hiding! For two years from 2006 yo 2008. In frantic frustration I did call one sister in church to help me and she introduced me to the church in the basement. I wrestled with this until one day I just went there and the first sermon i heard jolted me to reality....THE POWER OF AGREEMENT., the pastor was talking about agreement in marriage and with other people and what it means. I was hooked and from then on I went to listen to the teachings here. a few weeks later there was a 50 day seminar on the book of Genesis, we had to learn the genesis of our life and the reason for things that happened to us.

BANG! My transformation begun. There was three sermons a day and lot's of prayer. I was begining to see the light.

So I begun the looooong journey to discovering the sins of my ancestors, and what I came up with was not interesting-from idolatry to polygamy (one of the worst sins) to adultery and fornication and all accompanying baggage. But Lord, how do I deal with all these? I am just one person! And the answer, "It is you that will have to liberate your family and your children" I begun the search in earnest and falling many times and giving up many times.

Lord, I am not hiding anymore despite my nakedness...please clothe me.
